samedi 8 mai 2010

Exposition Sally Mann lecture immédiate, lecture savante

La lecture immédiate, la lecture savante

Voir Google images
sally mann immediate family

à mettre en relation avec la Vénus d’Urbino, le premier nu de la peinture moderne occidentale (selon Daniel Arasse)

Biographie de Sally Mann

Peinture, « cosa mentale » (Léonard de Vinci)

Titien, la Vénus d’Urbino, 1538.

Photos de Sally Mann controversée

Poster à Lausanne, mai 2010

"Mann recorded a combination of spontaneous and carefully arranged moments of childhood repose and revealingly — sometimes unnervingly — imaginative play. What the outraged critics of her child nudes failed to grant was the patent devotion involved throughout the project and the delighted complicity of her son and daughters in so many of the solemn or playful events. No other collection of family photographs is remotely like it, in both its naked candor and the fervor of its maternal curiosity and care".
Magasine Time, lors de la désignation de Sally Mann comme Meilleure photographe américaine 2001 (wiki).

La lecture immédiate, la lecture savante.


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